Film USA at Catalyst 2023

Join Film USA at the Catalyst Content Festival. 

October 4 – 7, 2023 in Duluth, MN


This festival is one of the only events focused on episodic and serialized content, providing unique opportunities to connect with creators and industry professionals in the TV/episodic realm!

Get all the details here.


Here is the schedule for Film USA Events at Catalyst Content Festival in Duluth 2023:


Thursday, October 5
5-7pm: Panel: Film tourism and its impact on communities, as part of the Upper Midwest Film Office Legislative Update


Friday, October 6
11am-12pm: FilmUSA Brunch Hour
12-1pm: Panel: What is a Film Office…and what can it do for your production?


Saturday, October 7
4-5pm: FilmUSA Cocktail Hour
7pm: Catalyst Content Festival closing ceremony


PLUS screenings, table reads,industry panels, and networking events throughout the week!



Other great news…Catalyst Content Festival is happening at the same time as the North Star Story Summit in Duluth, so Catalyst Festival attendees can participate in all of those panels and events as well. Here is more information on the North Star Story Summit:
Also…Did you know Catalyst Story Institute is also part of the Film Festivals in both Nashville and Lake Placid?! Here is a link for more details:


Thank You


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